
Introduction to .NET

  • Introduction to .NET Framework 
  • Basic Functionality of CLR 
  • MSIL
  • About Platform Independency
  • Language Interoperability
  • CTS and CLS
  • .NET Languages
  • Assemblies
  • Garbage Collection
  • Architecture of GC and Application Domain

 Visual Studio.NET

  • WPF Designer and Windows Form Integration
  • Multi-Framework Targeting
  • Better Intelligent Support
  • Refactoring and Enhancements
  • Visual Studio Split View
  • Debugging the .NET Source Code

VB.NET Language

  • Basic Element of Programming (Data types, Variable, Constant, Control Flow Statement),
  • Type Casting
  • Boxing and Unboxing
  • Built-in Functions in VB.Net
  • Sub Programs and Working with Arrays


 Object Oriented Programming with VB.Net

  • Principles of OOP
  • Data Encapsulation
  • Data Abstraction
  • Properties
  • Method Overloading
  • Constructors
  • Inheritance
  • Overloading and Overriding
  • Shadowing
  • Abstract Classes and Sealed Class
  • Polymorphism
  • Delegate – Unicast and Multicast 
  • Events
  • Collections
  • Directories
  • Strings
  • String Builders
  • Attributes
  • Namespaces and Generics

Windows Applications

  • Windows.Forms
  • DLL
  • Basic Controls and Event Driven Programming
  • Programming with Advanced Controls

Windows Control Library Error Handling 

  • Structured Error Handling
  • Error Categories
  • Debug and Trace Classes
  • Code Optimization
  • Testing Phases and Strategies

Data Access with ADO.NET

  • Introduction to Access Libraries ADO
  • Limitation of ADO
  • ADO.Net Objects and Usage
  • ADO.Net Managed Providers
  • Data Reader
  • Data Adapter and Dataset
  • Data Relation and Dataset
  • Data Binding
  • Connected and Disconnected Environments
  • Connection Pooling
  • ADO.Net Exceptions
  • Using Stored Procedures
  • N-Tier Database Application
  • Crystal Reports