

  • Java JDK8 
  • Eclipse
  • Tomcat server
  • Spring
  • Hibernate


 Extensible Markup Language (XML)

  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • Introduction to XML
  • Document Object Model (DOM) using JAXP
  • Understanding DOM
  • Using DOM in Java
  • StAX in Java
  • Understanding StAX
  • Programming with StAX

 Common Gateway Interface

  • Introduction to CGI
  • Understanding Environment Variables
  • Disadvantages and Limitations of CGI


Java Servlets

  • Servlet as an improved CGI
  • Servlet Fundamentals / API
  • What is a Web-Container
  • Servlet Life Cycle / Architecture
  • HTTP GET and POST Request Methods
  • Processing Html Forms
  • What is Name-Value pair
  • Content Types and MIME
  • Configuration of Web Application
  • Understanding the Deployment Descriptor (DD) / web.xml
  • Specifying the Welcome file list
  • Servlet URL Pattern Mapping
  • Init Parameters
  • State Management
  • Using HTTP Session
  • Using Cookies
  • Using Application

Java Server Pages (JSP)

  • JSP Architecture
  • JSP Standard / Implicit Objects
  • Request
  • Response
  • Out
  • config
  • Application
  • Session
  • Page
  • Page Context
  • exception
  • JSP Page Implementation Class
  • JSP Basics & Syntax
  • JSP Directive Tags
  • Page Directive
  • Include Directive
  • Taglib Directive
  • JSP Action Tags
  • Forward Action Tag
  • Include Action Tag
  • JSP Script related Tags
  • Scriptlet Tag
  • Expression Tag
  • Declaration Tag
  • Using Java Beans from JSP
  • UseBean Tag
  • setProperty Tag
  • getProperty Tag
  • JSP Custom Tag Library
  • JSP 2.0 Tag Files
  • JSP 2.0 Simple Tag
  • Empty Tag
  • Tag with Body Content
  • (JSP Fragment)


  • JavaBean Architecture
  • JavaBean Characteristics
  • Providing Properties & Methods

 JSP Expression Language ( EL )

  • Syntax
  • Using different scope objects
  • Calling Functions from EL

JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

  • General Purpose Actions
  • Conditional Actions
  • Iterator Actions

 Filters in Web Application

  • Filter Basics
  • Filter Lifecycle
  • Filter Chaining
  • Filter Example

 Web Application Security

  • Introduction
  • Declarative Security
  • Programmatic Security
  • Roles
  • Authentication
  • Basic Authentication
  • Digest Authentication
  • Form Based Authentication
  • Standard Login Form
  • Security Constraints
  • Web Resource Collection
  • Authorization Constraint