

  • PHP 8.1.0
  • Apache tomcat
  • My sql 8.0


Introduction to PHP

  • Evaluation of Php
  • Basic Syntax
  • Defining variable and constant
  • Php Data type
  • Operator
  • Expression.


  • What is a function
  • Define a function
  • Call by value and Call by reference
  • Recursive
  • Function
  • String
  • Creating and accessing String 
  • Searching & Replacing String
  • Formatting String, String
  • Related Library function


  • Anatomy of an Array
  • Creating index based and Associative array Accessing array
  • Element
  • Looping with Index based array
  • Looping with associative array using each () and foreach(),
  • Some useful Library function.

 Handling Html Form with PHP

  • Capturing Form
  • Data Dealing with Multi-value filed
  • Generating File uploaded form
  • Redirecting a form after submission

Session and Cookie

  • Introduction to Session Control
  • Session Functionality 
  • What is a Cookie,
  • Setting Cookies with PHP
  • Using Cookies with Sessions
  • Deleting Cookies
  • Registering Session variables
  • Destroying the variables and Session.

 Database Connectivity with MySql

  • Introduction to RDBMS
  • Connection with MySql Database
  • Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
  • Setting query parameter
  • Executing query
  • Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)

 Exception Handling

  • Understanding Exception and error
  • Try-Catch throw 
  • Error tracking and debugging.