C++ Language



  • Turbo c
  • Visual studio 2021

 Introduction and First Program

  • First C++ Program

 Language Features

  • How C++ differs from C
  • Variables Declaration
  • Function overloading
  • Optional Parameters
  • Reference Variables
  • Operator overloading
  • Basics of Console Input and Output
  • Constant Pointers
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation

OOPs Concepts

  • Overview of OOPs Principles
  • Introduction to classes & objects
  • Creation & destruction of objects
  • Data Members
  • Member Functions
  • this Pointer
  • Constructor &Destructor
  • Static class member
  • Friend class and functions
  • Namespace


  • Introduction and benefits.
  • Access Specifier.
  • Base and Derived class Constructors
  • Types of Inheritance.
  • Down casting and up casting.
  • Function overriding.
  • Virtual functions.
  • Destructor overriding.


  • What is Polymorphism
  • Pure virtual functions
  • Virtual Base Class

 I/O Streams

  • C++ Class Hierarchy
  • File Stream
  • Text File Handling
  • Binary File Handling
  • Error handling during file operations
  • Overloading << and >> operators

Exception Handling

  • Introduction to Exception.
  • Benefits of Exception handling.
  • Try and catch block.
  • Throw statement.
  • Pre-defined exceptions in C++.
  • Writing custom Exception class.
  • Stack Unwinding.


  • Introduction
  • Function Templates
  • Class Templates